
  • 24 NOVEMBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Obesity. Exercising at this time has more benefits, study says

Check out the results of a research done at the University of Sydney.

Obesity. Exercising at this time has more benefits, study says
Notícias ao Minuto

17:03 - 10/04/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

Lifestyle Exercício

Yes, you read that correctly. According to researchers from the University of Sydney in Australia, doing most of your daily physical activity in the late afternoon is linked to the greatest health benefits for people with obesity.

The study — published in Diabetes Care — involved nearly 30,000 adults over the age of 40 who had obesity, with some having type 2 diabetes. They were followed for an average of almost eight years and wore devices that tracked their daily physical activity.

Read Also: Dicas de especialistas para cuidar da visão quando faz exercício físico (Portuguese version)

Thanks to this, the researchers found that "those who did most of their moderate-to-vigorous aerobic activity — the kind that gets your heart rate up and leaves you breathless — between 6 p.m. and midnight had the lowest risk of premature death and death from cardiovascular disease."

What's more, they discovered that when people did their physical activity at night seemed to matter "more than the total amount of physical activity they did each day."

"We didn't discriminate between the type of activity we measured, which could be anything from walking to climbing the stairs, but it could also include structured exercise like running, occupational work or even vigorously cleaning your house," explained study co-author Matthew Ahmadi.

Study co-author Angelo Sabag noted that "exercise is by no means the only solution to the obesity crisis, but this research suggests that people who are able to schedule their activity at certain times of the day may be able to better offset some of these health risks."

Read Also: Conheça o exercício que ajuda a ter menos dores musculares (Portuguese version)

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