Is there a best time to 'go'?
Gastroenterologists reveal the importance of being regular. Find out what's at stake.
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Lifestyle Intestinos
The amount, frequency, and appearance of your poop can say a lot about your health. Do you go regularly, and do you always do your business around the same time? And is there any benefit to that? EatingWell talked to gastroenterologists Will Bulsiewicz and Kenneth Brown to get the scoop.
Is there really a best time of day to poop? "In general, first thing in the morning after you wake up tends to be the most optimal time for most people to have a bowel movement," says Kenneth Brown.
Read also: What men shouldn't ignore when they go to the bathroom (Portuguese version)
This is likely because you've been fasting and there may also be a gastrocolic reflex after you eat something.
But more important than the time of day is being consistent, says Will Bulsiewicz. "Our bodies run on a circadian rhythm that aligns with the rising and setting of the sun. Rhythmicity is important," he says.
"Having an irregular bowel pattern disrupts gut motility and the gut microbiome. This can manifest as chronic constipation or irritable bowel syndrome," he says.
Read also: Do you use wipes after pooping? You shouldn't... (Portuguese version)
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